which squeak version? 
of what? 

> On 04 Dec 2015, at 12:15, Robert Withers <robert.w.with...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I just realized that the squeak version uses ReferenceStream while the Pharo 
> version uses Fuel, so the binary serializations are different and they won't 
> speak to each other. Any chance that Fuel is ported to Squeak?
> Regards,
> Robert
> On 12/04/2015 06:11 AM, Robert Withers wrote:
>> I am unable to import these files into SqueakSource, so it may be best done 
>> from inside Pharo with Monticello. Here are working Crypto and SqueakElib in 
>> Pharo, prior to SecureSession refactoring and Reed Solomon. I include the 
>> correct version of LayeredProtocol.
>> Regards,
>> Robert
>> On 12/04/2015 05:47 AM, Robert Withers wrote:
>>> Best Regards
>>> http://www.squeaksource.com/Cryptography.html 
>>> <http://www.squeaksource.com/Cryptography.html>
>>> http://www.squeaksource.com/squeakelib.html 
>>> <http://www.squeaksource.com/squeakelib.html>
>>> On 12/04/2015 05:44 AM, Robert Withers wrote:
>>>> After my password reset on squeaksource, I committed to both Cryptography 
>>>> and SqueakElib, project links below. 
>>>> In the case of Cryptography, I had a version ported to Pharo ... I will 
>>>> organize Pharo ports of both after Reed Solomon is stable, and announce 
>>>> them to the Pharo list. This way both environments can be supported 
>>>> through this one repository. 
>>>> Robert 
>>>> On 12/04/2015 04:35 AM, Stephan Eggermont wrote: 
>>>>> On 03-12-15 23:06, Robert Withers wrote: 
>>>>>> Are any of these used by both squeak and Pharo? That would be the right 
>>>>>> move I think. I will ask about getting my password reset for 
>>>>>> squeaksource, since that is where the old code resides. 
>>>>> All of them. Mostly timing of project start/high activity and who are 
>>>>> maintaining it decided on platforms. There was a time when squeaksource 
>>>>> was not so stable and then many projects migrated, and I currently hear 
>>>>> least about stability issues from ss3, but the load on smalltalkhub is 
>>>>> much higher, I assume, as that is used for the pharo ci. 
>>>>> In the not so far future Pharo is likely to move to a git based 
>>>>> infrastructure, using libgit2. Early adopters are already using it. 
>>>>> I haven't heard the squeak ideas about that. 
>>>>> Stephan 

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