Awesome, I'll use it soon :)

On 23/11/15 16:25, Skip Lentz wrote:
Hi everyone,

As part of my internship I am creating bindings to the GitHub API in Pharo.
As a prototype and demo, I have created a small tool last week to do some basic 
versioning, namely checking out a version, committing a version and showing a 
log of commits along with a branch tree.

Here’s a screenshot: 

The repository of the bindings and the tool is here:!/~Balletie/GitHub
To load the tool into your image, execute:

(ConfigurationOfGitHub project version: #development) load: #tool

Keep in mind that this is tied to GitHub, since internally it uses the API. A 
nice side effect of this is that everything can be done in-memory. That is, 
there’s no local copy on the filesystem. One does not even need git installed.

That being said, feel free to take off with my prototype and make it work with 
e.g. the LibGit bindings in Pharo.

Known bug:
- When selecting a different repository from the dropdown while a version is 
also selected in the log, one gets a DNU. To work around this for the time 
being, just deselect the version before you switch repositories.

Let me know what you think and feel free to ask some questions.


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