Hi thierry

Skip is working on a code review tool :)
and we decided after the experience of Griotte from thomas not to build our own again but interface with existing hence
we chose git and github like tools.
We want to support code review (publish metadata) on a publish code.


Le 23/11/15 18:55, Thierry Goubier a écrit :
Le 23/11/2015 18:40, Skip Lentz a écrit :

On Nov 23, 2015, at 6:32 PM, Thierry Goubier <thierry.goub...@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi Skip,

this is interesting. It would mean the ability to handle github issues querying/opening inside Pharo, no?

Yes, if that part of the API is implemented. There are still a lot of extensions to be made. I am planning to implement the bindings for pull requests in the near future.

It would be very cool to be able to envision a git + pharo combination where going on the github website wouldn't be necessary.

Creating and commenting on an issue directly from inside Pharo instead of logging in fogbugz... Commenting on a commit from inside Pharo...

Would you be able to retrieve the same information from github that GitFileTree does when it extract package version history information?


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