On 24/08/15 19:32, Torsten Bergmann wrote:
Julien Delplanque wrote:
I created a small utility that make possible to have multi desktops:
Your code works for me in Pharo 5, havent tried in Pharo 4.
Unfortunately it does only work for Pharo "windows" but not general morphs.
If you evaluate
ElipseMorph new openInWorld
and hit CTRL+SHIFT+J you will see that the morph stays on the desktop.
So your goodie is a "window switcher" and not a "desktop switcher".
Yes you are right. But it is a first step, I planned to really create
"new desktops" in the future, but for now I wrote this fast to have
something usable.
I guess it would be better if you would really switch the WorldMorph instance
referenced by the global "World" variable.
There already was a solutions once discussed/contributed with code here
I think it got lost in the old bugtracker. Maybe Sean (who wrote it) can help
update the code and merge with yours.
Yes I'm OK to do that. Where can I find this package?
Ideally such a "Switch desktop" possibility would be part of the
standard Pharo 5 image including a small preview of the whole desktop
similar to what usual operating system window manager do and the possibility
to provide different backgrounds to the desktops.
It would be really nice to have multiple world by default in pharo images :)