Yes it should work on Pharo 4.
Did you opened windows as said in the README's notes section?
If you have no window opened in a desktop you cant create a new desktop.
If you did, can you try:
DesktopsManager uniqueInstance nextDesktop
DesktopsManager uniqueInstance previousDesktop
Do you see the DesktopMorph on bottom right of the screen?
On 24/08/15 19:10, Mariano Martinez Peck wrote:
It does not work for me. Should it work in Pharo 4.0?
On Mon, Aug 24, 2015 at 1:39 PM, Julien Delplanque <> wrote:
Hi all,
I created a small utility that make possible to have multi desktops:
It show/hide windows according to the desktop you're on.
I think it can be useful from my small experience, I often feel a lack of
space when opening 4-5 windows and also, I like to have my windows full
sized... :)
What do you think about it?