2015-08-19 0:45 GMT+02:00 Stephan Eggermont <step...@stack.nl>:

> On 18/08/15 21:59, Peter Uhnák wrote:
>> ...

> And finally, code-wise I've never really interacted with Morphic and
>> stayed in Spec, so when I was digging through code it seems that the way
>> Morphs are composed are through these "addMorph:fullFrame: (LayoutFrame
>> identity rightFraction: 0.10; yourself);" constructs sprinkled
>> haphazardly throughout the code. Is there nothing like SpecLayout?
> Sure, just take a look at LayoutPolicy and subclasses. I feel like we're
> missing a constraints based or grid layout in Morphic.

The original morphic layout (the one used in Self[1]) is a constraint-based

I'm not sure your average developper understands or likes a
constraint-based layout and, if he has the hand on the development of the
GUI, he tends to replace it with procedural approaches (with layout frames,
margins, etc...), as is the MVC layout engine in VW.

Still, Apple managed to introduce the Cassowary[2] layout engine in OS X
and iOS [3]. It could be valuable to have a look into how X Code on Mac
gives a GUI for specifying layout constraints.


[1] ftp://ftp.squeak.org/docs/Self-4.0-UI-Framework.pdf
[2] https://constraints.cs.washington.edu/cassowary/
[3] http://www.informit.com/articles/article.aspx?p=2151265

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