I would expect the left/right history buttons being right next to the History Navigator selector. That way history-related controls are together and the purpose of the buttons is obvious
Personally I would remove alltogether the navigation because it does not really work. but some people use it.

"Hier.", "Com."... abbreviating button labels? Really?

Yes. Because of space.
What you see is that these three toggle buttons are changing the state of the browser. And before it was totally not coherent. People get really used to incoherence.

​And finally, why was part of the buttons moved up? And part stayed down?
I know that you wanted to distinguish "Scoped", because it opens a new browser, and Variables, because they have intermediate menu (and later open another menu).
The buttons above are buttons that do not change the current browser but provide shortcuts.

But I think the fact that Variables are tied to a particular selected class would make much more sense to place the button beside hierachy/class button.
probably but there is no more space.

And opening Scoped can be denoted with an appropriate icon ( https://www.google.com/search?site=&tbm=isch&source=hp&biw=&bih=&q=new+window+icon&btnG=Search+by+image )
What do you mean ? an Icon to open or an icon when opened.

Placing them all on a single line would also save up vertical space, which considering we've added QualityAssistant and Rubric adds another line is quite valuable.
Ask esteban. He told us that button are not in the middle but on the top.

(And finally the width of the buttons should perhaps match more closely the actual needs of the label, because now it's bit cramped.)
And finally, code-wise I've never really interacted with Morphic and stayed in Spec, so when I was digging through code it seems that the way Morphs are composed are through these "addMorph:fullFrame: (LayoutFrame identity rightFraction: 0.10; yourself);" constructs sprinkled haphazardly throughout the code. Is there nothing like SpecLayout? Maybe it wasn't so hard once you get used to Morphic, because I spent probably more time doing elementary changes to layout than learning half of Spec... (Also since Spec can interoperate with Morphic, maybe the layout could also be adapted? Or slowly migrate Nautilus to Spec (if there are even plans like that)?)
This is like in morphic and it will stay like that until someone write another layout or we switch to Bloc

Now as I've mentioned I'm not an UI/UX expert, but you don't need to be a chef to tell when food isn't great (which is of course amplified by personal tastes).

So unless I am the only person bothered by this, I would like to raise a discussion (or send a slice, but the way I've done the layout weirds me out, so I still want to look into that regardless).


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