If I remember correctly, it was easy to port Moose from VW to Pharo,
because there was a lot of tests.
I'm currently working on porting another software from VW to Pharo
without any tests and I'm suffering ;-)

On Wed, Jun 10, 2015 at 8:36 PM, Trygve Reenskaug <tryg...@ifi.uio.no> wrote:
> Stef,
> Why be sorry? It's great that you have a stable kernel in Pharo. Where do I
> find the definition of the Pharo public API?
> In which way is  the Pharo technology that underlies Moose more complex than
> BabyIDE? Porting BabyIDE from Squeak 3.10 to 4.5 was hard because it extends
> the Squeak Parser and debugger and that this is unknown territory to me.
> There remains, of course, minorproblems and bugs caused by changes in the
> various services offered by the Squeak kernel.
> It's clear that one port went without a hitch for you. That does not mean
> that porting BabyIDE to Pharo will be equally simple. And may be the people
> who did your port do not share my extensive ignorance of the Pharo innards
> and the nature of the changes in the release? I am not a Pharo creator. I
> was considering to become a Pharo user but reconsidered when I read what you
> say below. This was partly because I believe you underestimate the work
> needed to port BabyIDE to Pharo and partly because you do not appear to
> appreciate the need that programmers (your customers) have for a stable
> programming language.
> Trygve
> On 09.06.2015 19:59, stepharo wrote:
> I'm sorry to say that Pharo public API does not change that much.
> We could port all Moose in one afternoon and Moose is certainly more complex
> :).
> Stef

Serge Stinckwich
Every DSL ends up being Smalltalk

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