I'm sorry to say that Pharo public API does not change that much.
We could port all Moose in one afternoon and Moose is certainly more
complex :).
Le 9/6/15 18:07, Trygve Reenskaug a écrit :
Hi Chris,
I'm sorry to say that your advice didn't work. Worse: The Squeak
community has lost a valuable contributor, a prime mover in the
patterns and agile communities and the author of several books on OO.
My friend wrote:
" /I still can’t find a version of Squeak for my Mac that will run
Trygve’s current BabyIDE. At this point, even if one appears, it is
obvious that my dependence on “the introvert Squeak community” will
put me in a much more fragile position than with any of my other
concept proofs. It will be extremely difficult to build a future on
such fragile foundations./"
I came to Xerox PARC and Smalltalk in 1978 where I made my
contributions to Smalltalk-80. Since then, I have been working almost
exclusively with Smalltalk. My company invested in a VW class library
of more than 100,000 lines of Smalltalk code and used it in our
consulting. A strong selling point was that our tenders were
accompanied by a demo version of the program we offered to deliver.
Our library and applications were repeatedly threatened by new
versions of VW. The code is now dead; there is no VM that will run our
old images. The investment is lost.
I hoped Squeak would be better. It isn't. Squeak is less stable than
VW ever was. My new programming paradigm, DCI, is supported by BabyIDE
that runs under Squeak 3.10. I have ported BabyIDE to 4.5, but there
are new bugs caused by differences between 3.10 and 4.5. The result is
that I have reverted to 3.10 because it's too much hassle to run after
the stream of Squeak releases. I thought Pharo would be better, but
their mailing list conversations indicate that they do not understand
that developers need a stable foundation for their work.
The result is that I too leave Smalltalk and concentrate on other
environments. A pity, because I still believe Smalltalk has the
potential to become a superior environment for non-professional
programmers. I am particularly thinking of children and experts such
as computational chemists who use computers in their work.
It's very painful, but I am now terminating development work in Squeak
leave the Squeak and Pharo mailing lists. I will continue my work in
some mainstream language. I have just done some work in Java with
Netbeans and I am buying a book on JavaScript. It's heavy going, but
better that working for the dustbin.
On 31.05.2015 16:52, Trygve Reenskaug wrote:
A friend of mine is doing some experiments using a Mac and my program
Baby IDE. BabyIDE is works under Squeak 3.10.2. Is there a binary
virtual machine for a current Mac that he can use?
On 31.05.2015 17:00, Chris Cunnington wrote:
You need a non-Cog vm. I usually download any Etoys vm. [1]
From there, drag it onto the vm or right click, choose “Open With”
and choose Etoys.
[1] http://squeakland.org/download/