> On 19 May 2015, at 11:01 , Sven Van Caekenberghe <s...@stfx.eu> wrote:
>> On 19 May 2015, at 10:53, Udo Schneider <udo.schnei...@homeaddress.de> wrote:
>>> Did you look in all your package caches ?
>> I did. Must have been a victim of cleaning ... but maybe TimeMachine has 
>> something ... thanks for the reminder.
>>> If it is just a small example, like one class, maybe it could be
>>> added to the image, in which case it should indeed be a slice.
>> The package was pretty simple. Basically only adding a few convenience 
>> methods around Socket>>#setOption:value: . Still I think a usage example in 
>> form of a class comment and test case might be appropriate. So unless 
>> Multicast should be part of the base image I'll start with a separate 
>> package first.
> Since Socket is a fundamental part, and multicast is a key feature, I think 
> it would logical to move it to the image itself, with a test case.

It's not just multicast...
As a Socket newbie I recently spent longer than I care to admit learning you 
need to set SO_BROADCAST to true to not get a primitive failure when sending to 
a broadcast address. 
At least the comments in sqUnixSocket were entertaining!

Though I realize which options are actually supported depends on the VM, moving 
the list of potentially available cross-platform options (and a description of 
what they're used for) to a comment in the image (setOption: value: being the 
obvious location) might be a nice first step. 


P.S. On the plus side, I'm now able to turn my PC into a better remote for 
multi-cam GoPro setups than the GoPro remote itself is :)

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