I thought UTF-8 is the default encoding in case JSON Documents, and so
for the Content-Type: application/json.
I added "setCharSetUTF8" this Teapot-Output and all works fine now. :-)
Am 01.05.2015 um 14:20 schrieb Norbert Hartl:
You need to look at the headers of the request. I would assume the
sender sets an Content-Type: application/json without charset. In that
moment it is uncertain what has to be done because the server needs to
assume what charset it might be and this tasks seldomly works out good.
In order to make it work set a content type of your entity this way
ZnMimeType applicationJson setCharSetUTF8
Now you send a Content-Type of application/json;charset=utf-8 and the
server knows which character decoder to use. That should be it. So
please always assign a char set to your sending data to make it more
reliable what happens on the other end.
hope this helps,
Am 01.05.2015 um 14:13 schrieb volkert
I tried ZnClient new get: 'http://<removed>/api/atm/801813'; yourself
and got.
This is the Doc i see in Firefox.
The JSON is served with ZnServer / Teapot. ;-)
Am 01.05.2015 um 12:21 schrieb Sven Van Caekenberghe:
Hi Volkert,
Tip 1: use ZnClient and inspect the response in detail, more specifically to
see whether the response content type specifies the encoding.
ZnClient new get: 'http://<removed>/api/atm/801813'; yourself.
Tip 2: you could try to force override the default encoding using
ZnDefaultCharacterEncoder (see the class comment).
But recent Zn code defaults to UTF8 (see #withDefaultUTF8Decoding: and
#withDefaultUTF8Encoding:). So I am curious to see the response headers.
On 01 May 2015, at 11:54, volkert<volk...@komponentenwerkstatt.de> wrote:
Dear all,
i am trying to get a JSON Document with ZnEasy. The Document is UTF-8 encoded.
(ZnEasy get: 'http://<removed>/api/atm/801813') entity string.
Any hints?