I tried ZnClient new get: 'http://<removed>/api/atm/801813'; yourself
and got.
This is the Doc i see in Firefox.
The JSON is served with ZnServer / Teapot. ;-)
Am 01.05.2015 um 12:21 schrieb Sven Van Caekenberghe:
Hi Volkert,
Tip 1: use ZnClient and inspect the response in detail, more specifically to
see whether the response content type specifies the encoding.
ZnClient new get: 'http://<removed>/api/atm/801813'; yourself.
Tip 2: you could try to force override the default encoding using
ZnDefaultCharacterEncoder (see the class comment).
But recent Zn code defaults to UTF8 (see #withDefaultUTF8Decoding: and
#withDefaultUTF8Encoding:). So I am curious to see the response headers.
On 01 May 2015, at 11:54, volkert <volk...@komponentenwerkstatt.de> wrote:
Dear all,
i am trying to get a JSON Document with ZnEasy. The Document is UTF-8 encoded.
(ZnEasy get: 'http://<removed>/api/atm/801813') entity string.
Any hints?