Yes, that is the correct way to do it.

I think that the ConfigurationOfOSProcess for Pharo includes a portion of
the CommandShell package, so if you load OSProcess from that configuration
you should also get the necessary PipeableOSProcess. That said, I would
still encourage you to load the full CommandShell package and explore some
of the other things it it :-)

ConfigurationOfOSProcess and ConfigurationOfCommandShell have both been
recently updated for Pharo.


> Hi,
> I am doing some work with OSProcess and I want to get the output directly
> to pharo (i.e. a stream or a byteString would be cool).
> I have found this on the web
> where it's said
> that if you want access to the output you have to use PipeableOSProcess
> from CommandShell project.
> My question is: is still this the correct way to do it or meanwhile in
> OSProcess something was implemented to handle this specific case?
> Thanks.
> Cheers,
> Nicolas

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