> On 27 Mar 2015, at 22:04, Hilaire <hila...@drgeo.eu> wrote:
> Le 27/03/2015 17:11, Jean-Christophe Bach a écrit :
>> Hi Pharoers,
>> This email as a reminder for the next Pharo sprint: it will be next
>> Friday (3rd April) at Inria Lille. 
>> You can also join us on the IRC channel (#pharo on irc.freenode.net
>> server). During the sprint, we will try to synchronize local and remote
>> Pharo sprinters.
>> JC
> Hi,
> Is there any Pharo related things to prepare in advance if one wants to
> attempt remotely through IRC channel?

- try to connect before to check that IRC works
- we try to have some issues tagged with “sprint” on the issue tracker..
  but this time it will be focused on bugs for Pharo4, I guess.

This means having a look at the issue tracker to find some issue that are
interesting to work on could be an idea.

Maybe a trello board could be used to sync for the remote sprinters.


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