* Cyril Ferlicot <cyril.ferli...@gmail.com> [27.03.2015. @20:44:50 +0100]:

> Pharo sprint are some event organize the Friday at INRIA Lille where people
> come and works on a theme.
> For exemple that can be a bug hunt: "Choose a bug from FogBugz and try to
> solve it".
> Everyone is on a big room and we can help each other.
> Some sprint are announce on the news on Pharo's website :
> http://pharo.org/news/
> Like for this sprint : http://pharo.org/news/Pharo-Sprints
> ;)
> On 27 March 2015 at 17:05, Jigyasa Grover <grover.jigya...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi Jean-Christophe Bach !
> > I am new to Pharo and would like to know more about Pharo Sprint.
> > It would be great if you could elucidate a bit.
> > Thanks and Regards
> > Jigyasa Grover


It is a coordinated bug hunt: issues are selected from fogbugz and
peer-programmers try to fix them.
If you are interested in specific issues, you can propose them during
the sprint.


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