-------- Mensaje reenviado --------
Asunto: Re: [Pharo-users] [ANN] BioSmalltalk
Fecha: Wed, 18 Mar 2015 20:53:05 -0500
De: Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas <off...@riseup.net>
Para: pharo-us...@lists.gforge.inria.fr


I just found this old mail. I know that BioSmalltalk is well and
advancing and I have a friend who works on biocomputing. I Saw the
Google Code page of the project, but as a not-programmer I found
difficult to understand what is the "selling point" of Biosmalltalk for
a biologist...

Anyway I'm just curious about which new experience brings Smalltalk to
old fields. In my own case, making my notebook for data narratives and
visualization has been very enriching and even if there are external
tools in other ecosystems to work on it (pandas, Jupyter, LaTeX), the
integration with them inside a moldable and modifiable tool is hard to beat.



El 15/03/12 a las 07:32, Hernán Morales Durand escribió:
Dear all,

It's been two years since I've started to work in bioinformatics with
Smalltalk. It has been a difficult decision because the quality and
amount of bioinformatics libraries is absolutely amazing, but I've
received a lot of support from the main researchers at the Institute
of Genetics where I'm working in Argentina.

Now the initial step for a BioSmalltalk release is done. I hope the
FOSS community receive this pre-release as the basis for future
enhacements for bioinformatics with any Smalltalk flavor. Although in
the short-term it is unlikely for a BioSmalltalk to reach the users,
maturity and competitive level of major Bio* toolkits (BioPerl,
BioPython, BioRuby or BioJava), it could take too many years more if I
continue this work alone. However, BioSmalltalk was not conceived to
replace or defeat any other similar packages, but to provide to the
bioinformatics community the features of a pure object system. So feel
free to spread the word for all bioinformaticians, newcomers,
developers, or life scientists, for helping in any way and discovering
why Smalltalk is such a special environment.

This release was implemented in Pharo 1.3 custom Core, but cross
Smalltalk portability was a priority. I'm working now to release
versions for GemStone, Squeak and VisualWorks is there is enough
interest. Everybody is welcome to contribute.

You may download a pre-compiled release from the project page:

Best regards,


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