Our goal is to remove the dependencies to nativeboost.
So we will release Pharo 40 and esteban will work on an FFI to remove NB.
Le 18/3/15 16:33, Sebastian Heidbrink a écrit :
Hi Torsten,
we tried to start pharo 4.0 on the Parallella board , which is somehow
like the Pi2 and did succeed partially.
The problem with Pharo4 and the VM is that there is no NativeBoost nor
OSProcess available o ARM VMs.
I just strated to do some reseach on this and can't provide more
information on this but jsut google:
"vm pharo arm nativeboost Can't find the requested origin"
you can start the image, you can save it, you can load source, but you
can't use stuff like VirtualGPU yet.
The VMs I tried were all from Inria's jenkins servers.
Am 18.03.2015 um 07:35 schrieb Torsten Bergmann:
Read about "piCore" this week which is a Tiny Core Linux
for the Pi.
As there is
- a quick bootable Pharo on top of TinyLinux (Mikes "PharoNOS"
- a Pharo that is runnable on Pi
I wonder if anyone already did some experiments on booting directly
into Pharo on a pi.
Still a "pi newbee" I also would like to know how to get started to
Pharo on Pi. Seems like the CI job is not available:
Where to get started with Pharo on Pi these days? Any "quick