As I posted on my blog yesterday: Pharo 3 is running.


Am 18.03.2015 um 15:35 schrieb Torsten Bergmann:
> Read about "piCore" this week which is a Tiny Core Linux
> for the Pi.
> As there is 
>  - a quick bootable Pharo on top of TinyLinux (Mikes "PharoNOS" project) 
>  - a Pharo that is runnable on Pi
> I wonder if anyone already did some experiments on booting directly 
> into Pharo on a pi. 
> Still a "pi newbee" I also would like to know how to get started to
> Pharo on Pi. Seems like the CI job is not available:
> Where to get started with Pharo on Pi these days? Any "quick
> guide"?
> Thx
> T.

Marten Feldtmann

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