In my work I am moving entirely away from ConfigurationOf ...
ConfigurationOf was invented because Monticello lacks the ability to
reason about multi-file versions so virtually all of the meta data in a
ConfigurationOf is making up for this lack. Of course, the
ConfigurationOf only partially fills the gap ...
Git handles multi-file versions as well as branches so all of the extra
meta data in the ConfigurationOf is totally unnecessary once you start
using git.
The BaselineOf manages the meta data that is still required in the
presence of git:
- package load order
- project dependencies
One can use tags directly in a project reference so configurations can
be completely eliminated.
On 2/25/15 7:05 AM, Martin Bähr wrote:
Excerpts from Thierry Goubier's message of 2015-02-25 15:43:39 +0100:
BaselineOf is the same as a #baseline: in a ConfigurationOf. It describes
dependencies, packages and groups for a project, without versions. On
loading, a BaselineOf will behave as a #development version in a
ConfigurationOf which is to load the latest versions of the packages listed
(and whatever dependencies listed).
sounds to me like one should use branches for baseline (since they update)
and tags for versions in configuration (since they stay on the same commit)
Repositories urls which support branches and tags are github:// and
bitbucket:// urls; which support branches (and not tags) are gitfiletree://
oh, any particular reason, or just work in progress?
greetings, martin.