Just a random query (especially since I haven't played with BaselineOf and
I might misunderstand something)...
should #baseline: be moved out of the ConfigurationOf class so that we
consistently have a BaselineOf class in both cases: git & monticello.

That is, the ConfigurationOfXxx.mcz package will contain two classes:
ConfigurationOfXxx and BaselineOfXxx.

cheers -ben

On Wed, Feb 25, 2015 at 11:05 PM, Martin Bähr <
mba...@email.archlab.tuwien.ac.at> wrote:

> Excerpts from Thierry Goubier's message of 2015-02-25 15:43:39 +0100:
> > BaselineOf is the same as a #baseline: in a ConfigurationOf. It describes
> > dependencies, packages and groups for a project, without versions. On
> > loading, a BaselineOf will behave as a #development version in a
> > ConfigurationOf which is to load the latest versions of the packages
> listed
> > (and whatever dependencies listed).
> sounds to me like one should use branches for baseline (since they update)
> and tags for versions in configuration (since they stay on the same commit)
> > Repositories urls which support branches and tags are github:// and
> > bitbucket:// urls; which support branches (and not tags) are
> gitfiletree://
> > urls.
> oh, any particular reason, or just work in progress?
> greetings, martin.
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