Kilon, it’s not nice of you to say that I have a problem. I have an opinion, 
not a problem.

And I’m saying that we have 4 developers at most, not 10.

> On Feb 12, 2015, at 14:35, kilon alios <> wrote:
> And there lies your problem. You dont agree with me and I dont agree with you 
> and the next guy wont agree with either of us. 
> So how exactly are you going to convince 10 people to work on the GUI API of 
> your choosing ? Are you going to pull out the argument that all theses APIs 
> are doing more less the same thing ? Good luck convincing them. I will 
> certainly not be one of them when the center of my philosophy is "the devil 
> is in the details". 
> All pharo developers may end up focusing on Spec for example will be enough 
> reason for me to consider abandoning Pharo because I don't like Spec. Most 
> likely I wont because I will find a way not to have to use it but you get my 
> point.
> Coding is not there just to satisfy practical needs (because otherwise I 
> would not even being using Pharo) its even more about personal taste , this 
> is why we have tons of programming languages and even more libraries. Also 
> the bigger the library it is the slower it moves because of backward 
> compatibility and having to make happy a big user base. You want to add a new 
> feature ? Sure can do . You dont like the general design ? Oops sorry you are 
> out of luck.
> Personally I like Morphic, I heavily dislike Spec and the verdict is open for 
> Bloc. I will have to use Bloc on a project to make up my mind but so far I 
> have been told that Bloc is a work in progress in early stages. So for me the 
> situation is crystal clear Morphic all the way and if I find something I 
> don't like, subclass and improve. 
> But there are many people out there that love Spec and Bloc may be proven an 
> excellent replacement for Morphic who knows , we definitely wont know if 
> everyone start focusing on Spec alone. And I am glad they dont. But in any 
> case I would not want to force my opinion on other people and instead I 
> recognize that people want different things.
> So I definitely approve of many options and I also approve that pharo core 
> developers try to make Pharo more modular to make it easier to mix different 
> libraries together , I think that will be so awesome.     
> On Thu, Feb 12, 2015 at 2:51 PM, Johan Fabry < 
> <>> wrote:
>> On Feb 12, 2015, at 10:12, kilon alios < 
>> <>> wrote:
>> All of the above frameworks have tons of users so one thing that this shows 
>> us is that fragmentation is really beneficial to a community. The reason is 
>> simple,
>> GUI is so complex subject but there will never be one ring to rule them all. 
>> Many have tried, all of them have failed.  
> I don’t agree. If we would have more than 10 developers working on GUI 
> frameworks in Pharo this may be the case. But we don’t have this number. If 
> we are very lucky we may have 4.
> I would rather have 4 persons pulling a large cart in the same direction, 
> instead of 4 of them pulling their own cart (1/4th the size) in more-or-less 
> the same direction (if at all) as the other guys. In the first case a lot 
> more progress will be made. If there is something wrong with the cart, fix 
> it! Do not waste all this time building your own.
> ---> Save our in-boxes! <> 
> <---
> Johan Fabry   - <>
> PLEIAD lab  -  Computer Science Department (DCC)  -  University of Chile

---> Save our in-boxes! <---

Johan Fabry   -
PLEIAD lab  -  Computer Science Department (DCC)  -  University of Chile

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