And there lies your problem. You dont agree with me and I dont agree with
you and the next guy wont agree with either of us.

So how exactly are you going to convince 10 people to work on the GUI API
of your choosing ? Are you going to pull out the argument that all theses
APIs are doing more less the same thing ? Good luck convincing them. I will
certainly not be one of them when the center of my philosophy is "the devil
is in the details".

All pharo developers may end up focusing on Spec for example will be enough
reason for me to consider abandoning Pharo because I don't like Spec. Most
likely I wont because I will find a way not to have to use it but you get
my point.

Coding is not there just to satisfy practical needs (because otherwise I
would not even being using Pharo) its even more about personal taste , this
is why we have tons of programming languages and even more libraries. Also
the bigger the library it is the slower it moves because of backward
compatibility and having to make happy a big user base. You want to add a
new feature ? Sure can do . You dont like the general design ? Oops sorry
you are out of luck.

Personally I like Morphic, I heavily dislike Spec and the verdict is open
for Bloc. I will have to use Bloc on a project to make up my mind but so
far I have been told that Bloc is a work in progress in early stages. So
for me the situation is crystal clear Morphic all the way and if I find
something I don't like, subclass and improve.

But there are many people out there that love Spec and Bloc may be proven
an excellent replacement for Morphic who knows , we definitely wont know if
everyone start focusing on Spec alone. And I am glad they dont. But in any
case I would not want to force my opinion on other people and instead I
recognize that people want different things.

So I definitely approve of many options and I also approve that pharo core
developers try to make Pharo more modular to make it easier to mix
different libraries together , I think that will be so awesome.

On Thu, Feb 12, 2015 at 2:51 PM, Johan Fabry <> wrote:

> On Feb 12, 2015, at 10:12, kilon alios <> wrote:
> All of the above frameworks have tons of users so one thing that this
> shows us is that fragmentation is really beneficial to a community. The
> reason is simple,
> GUI is so complex subject but there will never be one ring to rule them
> all. Many have tried, all of them have failed.
> I don’t agree. If we would have more than 10 developers working on GUI
> frameworks in Pharo this may be the case. But we don’t have this number. If
> we are very lucky we may have 4.
> I would rather have 4 persons pulling a large cart in the same direction,
> instead of 4 of them pulling their own cart (1/4th the size) in
> more-or-less the same direction (if at all) as the other guys. In the first
> case a lot more progress will be made. If there is something wrong with the
> cart, fix it! Do not waste all this time building your own.
> ---> Save our in-boxes! <---
> Johan Fabry   -
> PLEIAD lab  -  Computer Science Department (DCC)  -  University of Chile

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