Okay here comes some notes I’ve compiled:

VOSS for Pharo 
http://voss.logicarts.com/ <http://voss.logicarts.com/>
Implications: a completely object oriented database industry proven would have 
a legacy and a open sourced release empowering Pharo users and startups to stay 
object oriented even when persisting data.
VOSS has dual license commercial and GPLv3, John, VOSS author already offered 
himself to mentor porters.

SQLServer client for Pharo
Implications: some applications that have this dependency needs to extend and 
modernize features are challenged by this dependency that Pharo cannot use in a 
production ready state.

SQL Alchemy for Pharo
Implications: Big-data is a growing market that is easy to mine with a tool 
like Python’s SQL Alchemy. A Pharo version of such powerful tool would open 
this market opportunity for people wanting to offer Pharo-based solutions in 
this segment. Smalltalk’s syntax and tooling superiority could provide a 
significant push forward in this technology competitiveness because they might 
empower Pharo users to deliver solutions faster.
http://www.sqlalchemy.org/ <http://www.sqlalchemy.org/>

Remote Environments for Pharo
Implications: being able to inspect, browse and debug reliably a server Pharo 
image from a client Pharo image would spark countless possibilities. Some of 
them: server maintenance; hot debug on GUI-less servers in production; live 
develop or debug remotely mobile devices that doesn’t have a server. Hot 
changes in Pharo powered drones and robots.

Pharo on mobile
Implications: Is not that mobile is a growing market, is more like mobile is 
going supernova: http://a16z.com/2014/10/28/mobile-is-eating-the-world/ 
The power of Pharo and its libraries on mobile devices is currently perhaps one 
of its biggest opportunities.

Deep learning for Pharo
Implications: Robotics, drones and the internet of things will gather data from 
sensors that will need interpretation and modelling. All sorts of AI will use 
deep learning techniques and Pharo would be a great orchestrator of that 

Pharo Hadoop client
Implications: Apache Hadoop can scale from single server to thousands of 
servers. The explosion of sensors, drones and mobile devices and printed 
devices with sensors are going to generate incredible amounts of data to 
process and model. Hadoop is a good fit for that and Pharo can empower faster 
modelling and orchestration of what to do with all that information stored in 
this widely adopted Hadoop technology.

Cross platform Native Widgets for Pharo
Implications: The web is fantastic but at the same time there is a big pressure 
to create great native applications due to the improved User Experience that 
the native widgets can provide. Making Pharo to create them via things like 
wxWidgets (https://www.wxwidgets.org/about/screenshots/ 
<https://www.wxwidgets.org/about/screenshots/>) would instantly create 
opportunities to develop fast applications with a great UX.

Protips site for Pharo
Implications: I might spark the beginning of a mentoring ecosystem. 
StackOverflow is great but at the same time for a niche like Smalltalk it might 
not be enough to show the problem-solving potential of the platform. A site 
dedicated to share pro tips centered on Pharo would slowly a steady show the 
platform’s value. The site has to be social friendly. Each tip should have an 
author that can set there StackOverflow, LinkedIn, facebook, twitter or any 
social profile she wants. Requires nice branding and UX/UI design. Optional 
variation of the same idea: make it for any Smalltalk dialect instead of only 

REPL IDE for Pharo
Implications: Smalltalkers are used to very powerful IDEs. What if we have to 
put Pharo in a really underpowered or monitorless device? Having a powerful 
REPL IDE that can evaluate expressions, inspect and debug, would empower users 
to still do things in mini-devices during the incoming tide wave of 

A GUI builder for Pharo
Implications: If whatever you are doing you cannot make it visual easily, 
people cannot perceive it easily. Due to evolutionary reasons, our brain has 
unfair bias towards visual processing. Lets make something that allows Pharo to 
create visual things easier. Something like PARTS or Dolphin Smalltalk GUI 
builder would be huge.



> On Feb 11, 2015, at 12:14 PM, Martin Bähr <mba...@email.archlab.tuwien.ac.at> 
> wrote:
> Excerpts from Stephan Eggermont's message of 2015-02-11 15:05:14 +0100:
>> Sebastian wrote:
>>> Can I brainstorm a wishlist? I could get wild on it :D 
>> Sure, as long as it is projects that you would be willing to mentor,
>> and sized like they could fit.
> well, someone else could be willing to mentor then, so i don't think it hurts
> to get wild on ideas, as long as accepted ideas come with a mentor.
> greetings, martin.
> -- 
> eKita                   -   the online platform for your entire academic life
> -- 
> chief engineer                                                       eKita.co
> pike programmer      pike.lysator.liu.se    caudium.net     societyserver.org
> secretary                                                      beijinglug.org
> mentor                                                           fossasia.org
> foresight developer  foresightlinux.org                            realss.com
> unix sysadmin
> Martin Bähr          working in china        http://societyserver.org/mbaehr/

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