Hello Dale, On Mon, Feb 2, 2015 at 10:52 PM, Dale Henrichs < dale.henri...@gemtalksystems.com> wrote:
> Manfred, > > When you use github, you don't need nor do you want to use a > ConfigurationOf. git manages the versions for you so you don't need to > define versions in the ConfigurationOf. If you want versions for a git > repository, use tags. > > You still need to specify load order and project dependencies. For an > example you can look at[1] or download the baseline: > > Metacello new > baseline: 'External'; > repository: 'github://dalehenrich/external:master/repository'; > get. > > No need to specify a repository in the baselineOf, since the repository is > derived from the location of the Baseline itself. > > Dale > > [1] > https://github.com/dalehenrich/external/blob/master/repository/BaselineOfExternal.package/BaselineOfExternal.class/instance/baseline..st > I have question regarding BaselineOf. If my package is depending on the Zinc-HTTP package, would the following baseline work for Pharo3 (which already includes Zinc)? baseline: spec <baseline> spec package: 'HttpExplorer' with: [spec requires: 'Zinc-Http']; yourself. Or is something like the following required in addition to make the configuration complete: spec project: 'Zinc-Http' with: [ spec repository: 'http://mc.stfx.eu/ZincHTTPComponents'; loads: #('Core'); version: #stable ]. Thanks, Manfred On 02/02/2015 01:21 PM, Manfred Kröhnert wrote: > > Hi, > > sorry for the unfinished email upfront. I accidentially hit the send > button before I was finished... > So here we go again: > > Some time ago I started a small Pharo based project but didn't want to > announce it before I knew how to load it conveniently. > > For versioning I started using GitFileTree and pushed the code to GitHub > together with a ConfigurationOf created with Versionner. > > Only after a more recent email from Kilon on this list I figured out > that the project should be easily loadable with the following commands: > > Metacello new > configuration:'HttpExplorer'; > repository:'github://mkroehnert/httpexplorer:master'; > get. > > Metacello new > configuration:'HttpExplorer'; > repository:'github://mkroehnert/httpexplorer:master'; > load. > > Executing the first command succeeds and the ConfigurationOfHttpExplorer > appears in the Browser. > But when I try to execute the load command I get the following error > (unfortunately I don't yet know how to copy a complete stacktrace): > > Error: Instances of UndefinedObject are not indexable > > This is a result from executing ZnClient>>getConnectionAndExecute where > 'request url' returns the following address: > > http://:80/g...@github.com:mkroehnert/httpexplorer.git/?C=M;O%3DD > > I guess that the error is probably in the ConfigurationOf but I am a bit > lost as to where I should dig further. > It would be great if anyone could point me in the right direction of where > to look or tell what went wrong. > > Thanks in advance, > Manfred > > >