
sorry for the unfinished email upfront. I accidentially hit the send button
before I was finished...
So here we go again:

Some time ago I started a small Pharo based project but didn't want to
announce it before I knew how to load it conveniently.

For versioning I started using GitFileTree and pushed the code to GitHub
together with a ConfigurationOf created with Versionner.

Only after a more recent email from Kilon on this list I figured out that
the project should be easily loadable with the following commands:

Metacello new

Metacello new

Executing the first command succeeds and the ConfigurationOfHttpExplorer
appears in the Browser.
But when I try to execute the load command I get the following error
(unfortunately I don't yet know how to copy a complete stacktrace):

Error: Instances of UndefinedObject are not indexable

This is a result from executing ZnClient>>getConnectionAndExecute where
'request url' returns the following address:


I guess that the error is probably in the ConfigurationOf but I am a bit
lost as to where I should dig further.
It would be great if anyone could point me in the right direction of where
to look or tell what went wrong.

Thanks in advance,

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