Create a repo on smalltalkHub and try. Let me know if you need some help.
Did you check in PharoExtras/Coral (we are reviving it slowly) because I
imagine that there is also a readline command and terminal.
Le 26/1/15 17:08, Martin Bähr a écrit :
Excerpts from David T. Lewis's message of 2015-01-26 16:57:10 +0100:
due to compute power constraints, i am running "pharo" as my only
application via xinit, having to constantly switch between "pharo"
and console (for mutt) is becoming painful. :)
another approach to that problem (which i am interested in) is to have
a terminal within pharo.
Are you aware of CommandShell (http://wiki.squeak.org/squeak/1914)?
thank you for pointing me to documentation. this will help for some of my
commandline work. it won't help to run mutt, sup (the mail client i use)
or tmux though. for those a full terminal emulator is needed.
FYI, Ian Piumarta implemented telnet with full terminal (VT102) emulation.
It uses a pty interface and thus supports mutt and text editors directly
in the image.
It works very well and does exactly what you want, but it was written more
than 10 years ago and I cannot say what would be required to make it work
on Pharo.
Ohhhhh! must . have . this . now !
thank you so much for this find!
is anyone more familiar with pharo willing to work with me on this to see if we
can get it to work?
greetings, martin.