Excerpts from David T. Lewis's message of 2015-01-26 13:58:16 +0100:
> > > > due to compute power constraints, i am running "pharo" as my only
> > > > application via xinit, having to constantly switch between "pharo"
> > > > and console (for mutt) is becoming painful.  :)
> > > another approach to that problem (which i am interested in) is to have a
> > > terminal within pharo.
> Are you aware of CommandShell (http://wiki.squeak.org/squeak/1914)? Look for
> ConfigurationOfCommandShell.
well, PipeableOSProcess is part of the CommandShell package, so i have seen it
and speculated that there was more to it, but i could not really see what else
that was. thank you for pointing me to documentation. this will help for some
of my commandline work. it won't help to run mutt, sup (the mail client i use)
or tmux though.  for those a full terminal emulator is needed.

greetings, martin.

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