On Fri, Jan 30, 2015 at 10:24 PM, Martin Bähr <
mba...@email.archlab.tuwien.ac.at> wrote:

> Excerpts from Nicolai Hess's message of 2015-01-30 15:18:57 +0100:
> > > i'd like to see a cache of the downloaded images so that i can create
> > > multiple copies of an image without redownloading.
> > On the right tree (Templates) is a node "Local"
> > this includes all downloaded images.
> i thought that would be a good place to put them, but for me there is
> nothing.
> i already downloaded 3 images.
> do i have to disable "Templates cleared at startup" in the config?
No, I have that setting enabled.  However it currently does not self-update
when you download an image**.  Click on the template <Refresh> icon in the
top right. Maybe you need to have "Local" selected when you do this.

**This is a bug.  Its funny when you get so used to workarounds that you
don't notice them anymore.

Actually, rather than a separate template folder I'd like to see an icon
appear that indicates its got a local cached copy, plus a menu option to
"Create image from local".  I often accidentally click the remote
repository when I know I've got a cached copy - but then its too late since
the cache copy is deleted to make way for the download and I have to wait
for the download to complete.

cheers -ben

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