Hi kilon,

The tests instance variable is linked to the python grammar: top level
items in an expression are probably tests, and, through the grammar, tests
can be just atoms.

So the tests instance variable doesn't means it is testing anything :)

Le 30 janv. 2015 09:23, "kilon alios" <kilon.al...@gmail.com> a écrit :

> Ok so I tried to parse a very simple list like
> [ 67,12342,5 ]
> using Parse and explore , I can find these number by following this AST
> (for example 67)
> PyFileInputNode>>statements: -> 1: PySimpleStmNode>>stmts: -> 1:
> PyExprStmtNode>>tests: ->1: PyPowerNode>>atom: -> PyAtomNode>>list: -> 1:
> PyPowerNode>>atom: -> PyPowerNode>>numberToken -> numberToken>>value -> 67
> quite a structure, but the one thing I dont get is "tests" , why "tests" ?
> Does it tests something and if yes what ?

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