Yes I am aware of PettitParser but the one thing that made me very
interested into SmaCC is that it already supports Python syntax parsing ,
though I think is for Python 2 but if its 2.7 it wont be much issue for me
that use Python 3.4 syntax.

>From a first look it looks PettitParser easier to use but Thiery told me
SmaCC is also fairly easy and personally I dont care so much I only want
something that gets the job done as fast as possible. Having an existing
python parser certainly makes things faster for me.

But yes I have played around with pettitparser and I really liked it.

On Wed, Jan 28, 2015 at 4:22 PM, Johan Fabry <> wrote:

> Hi Kilon,
> I think it’s better that you take a look at PetitParser (e.g.
> ) I have found
> PetitParser more user friendly than SmaCC.
> On Jan 28, 2015, at 14:53, kilon alios <> wrote:
> Ok I have read a few times of the tutorial of Smacc in here
> and I am also following the help tool documentation inside pharo for SmaCC
> and I have to say I am very confused. Please bare with me because I am
> extremely noob when it comes to parsing, this is my first effort.
> Now the way I understand it so far, is that SmaCC uses a syntax similar to
> regex expressions to define parsers and scanners. Scanners evaluate a
> string to see that it contains a valid form and parser divide to parts
> named as "tokens" and help in the creating of ASTs which are basically
> hierarchy tree containing the syntax elements of a language.
> Now in order to make SmaCC work I need to use the SmaCC tool that comes
> with pharo . The smacc tool takes two inputs a scanner and a parser class.
> Does that mean I need to create that parser and scanner class ? I thought
> since I define the syntax that those things would be generated by the tool.
> What I need to define exactly ?
> Why when I select the PythonScanner2 and PythonParser2 and click then
> Compile LR it gives a MNU receiver of method is nil ?
> I am using latest Pharo 4 image.
> My goal is to parse python types to similar pharo objects. I get those
> python types as strings and my main focus in lists, dictionaries and tuples
> . The tricky part is that one can contain the other inside in every
> imagined way.
> The way I understand it I will need something called "transformations" to
> convert those python types to OrderedCollections, Arrays etc and anything
> would make more sense for a pharo coder.
> Additionally what is the meaning of the vertibal bar ?   --> |
> eg.
> | Number
> Are there any other tutorials that can help a beginner like me to
> understand these concepts ?
> I am not looking for someone to give me the solution to the plate, I would
> love to learn and understand parsing because I am very interested into
> making Pharo easy to mix with Python code and allow Pharo to use Python
> libraries without the user having to learn or code Python :)
> As you may imagine this is a crucial ingredient for my project Ephestos
> which tries to use Pharo to script Blender by either replacing or
> cooperating with blender python. So learning a good way to parse pharo code
> to python code and vice versa is extremely important for me.
> ---> Save our in-boxes! <---
> Johan Fabry   -
> PLEIAD lab  -  Computer Science Department (DCC)  -  University of Chile

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