Thanks Phil for these great words.
I can tell you that sometimes we are overwhelmed by the size of our tasks and the fact that if people would
put all the energy together we would obtain something magic and great.

Now when you want to on top of a large mountain looking at the pick does not help to get courage what is better is to look at your feet and one by one follow the path. This is what I'm doing one little task
at a time but everyday.


PS: I can tell you stories if you pay me a beer at Pharo Days :)

Le 19/1/15 19:03, a écrit :
I was reflecting on the PR efforts and the scale and nature of our community.

There is one single thing that is our core: we are a bunch of individuals dedicated to Pharo and we deeply like (should I say "love"?) it.

That very fact that we are committed to investing in understanding it and making it better, and that, no matter what, makes the community pretty much indestructible.

We do not care about fame, we care about something else. Solid, flexible, nimble, ... I don't know.

That's a case of QWAN indeed. But Pharo has it.

I came on board with 1.3.
The progress has been massive. Pharo 4 is going to be a hell of a great piece of software. And things are accelerating.

I am proud to be part of the community. I've my moments of doubt. But then there is an inner voice saying: "come on, it can be made to work". And it is true as we have full control on the tool.

Just wanted to share.



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