Thanks for these words, Phil.


On Mon, Jan 19, 2015 at 7:03 PM, <>

> I was reflecting on the PR efforts and the scale and nature of our
> community.
> There is one single thing that is our core: we are a bunch of individuals
> dedicated to Pharo and we deeply like (should I say "love"?) it.
> That very fact that we are committed to investing in understanding it and
> making it better, and that, no matter what, makes the community pretty much
> indestructible.
> We do not care about fame, we care about something else. Solid, flexible,
> nimble, ... I don't know.
> That's a case of QWAN indeed. But Pharo has it.
> I came on board with 1.3.
> The progress has been massive. Pharo 4 is going to be a hell of a great
> piece of software. And things are accelerating.
> I am proud to be part of the community. I've my moments of doubt. But then
> there is an inner voice saying: "come on, it can be made to work". And it
> is true as we have full control on the tool.
> Just wanted to share.
> Peace.
> Phil


"Every thing has its own flow"

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