
To get to a git repository use a filetree repository and point to a local
clone of the repo.  I've editted your baseline accordingly:

baseline01: spec
<version: '0.1-baseline'>
for: #common
do: [
spec blessing: #baseline.
spec repository:
package: 'MyPackage'.
                        . . . ]

If you hafve a project on github or bitbucket you can reference the
repository directly (readonly) with the following url:


for bitbucket, you just use bitbucket: instead.


On Thu, Nov 13, 2014 at 9:21 AM, Rafael Luque <rafael.luque.le...@gmail.com>

> Hi all,
> I'm starting with Pharo and playing with the ways to integrate it with Git.
> I've read the "Git and Pharo" chapter on "Enterprise Pharo" book by
> Thierry Goubier and loaded the GitFileTree package.
> I'm working on a project with several microservices, one of them will be
> based on Pharo and the other ones in other technologies. The project
> repository is based in our own Git server and each microservice maps with
> one subdirectory in the repo.
> My question is if it is possible to define a Metacello configuration to
> load my packages from an specific subdirectory of a Git repository. I have
> tried with the following baseline method, but it fails because does not
> understand repoPath:
> baseline01: spec
> <version: '0.1-baseline'>
> spec
> for: #common
> do: [
> spec blessing: #baseline.
> spec repository: 'git@my-git-server:my-project'.
>                         spec repoPath: 'my-pharo-subdirectory'.
> spec
> package: 'MyPackage'.
>                         . . . ]
> Thank you in advance.

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