Hi all, I'm starting with Pharo and playing with the ways to integrate it with Git.
I've read the "Git and Pharo" chapter on "Enterprise Pharo" book by Thierry Goubier and loaded the GitFileTree package. I'm working on a project with several microservices, one of them will be based on Pharo and the other ones in other technologies. The project repository is based in our own Git server and each microservice maps with one subdirectory in the repo. My question is if it is possible to define a Metacello configuration to load my packages from an specific subdirectory of a Git repository. I have tried with the following baseline method, but it fails because does not understand repoPath: baseline01: spec <version: '0.1-baseline'> spec for: #common do: [ spec blessing: #baseline. spec repository: 'git@my-git-server:my-project'. spec repoPath: 'my-pharo-subdirectory'. spec package: 'MyPackage'. . . . ] Thank you in advance.