2014-10-29 8:32 GMT+01:00 Mark Rizun <mri...@gmail.com>:

> Which ones?
> In my tool each node has property oldNodes, which holds collection of
> obviously AST nodes:)
> When I replace one of node I have to update source interval in some way.

> 1)If I update it with reparsing, I loose all data about oldNodes for each
> node of my AST.
> So I have to save old AST with all oldNodes, and somehow detect which
> nodes were not changed and reassign their lost oldNodes.
> But sometimes it's difficult to detect where and what you have to assign,
> as sometimes AST may be changed in dramatic way.

Ok; yes, I can relate to that.

But, knowing who has designed the RB ast, I'm sure it has a proper equality
property where:

oldNodeFromAST = sameNodeFromASTreparsed

holds true.

So you can reparse and rematch old node to new node.

But I would only regenerate and reparse when I need to update the source
intervals (or display the modified source).

> 2) But if source interval is updated automatically I don't bother with
> losing data for all AST.
> I just have to update oldNodes for node that was replaced.

Well, not really.

If during regeneration of your source, you change the way the code is
formatted (more tabs here, removing a return there, etc...) then
regenerated source intervals are different from modified ast source
intervals. So your 'modify source intervals' is very fragile for me.

The only way I can see a way out for that problem:

Inserted / replaced node have source intervals in a separate source;
unmodified nodes keep their source interval. This is the way I do it in my
source to source compilers when I want to inject code (and tag in the
generated file where that code comes from: usefull for debugging).

Or the match of old node to new node as seen above.

> That is way I'd like to have automatically updated source interval.

I'm still not entirely sure why. Source intervals are only there to help
relating the ast to the source, not much else, really.


>> No it shouldn't. If the source has not been regenerated from the modified
>> AST, then
>> 'source copyFrom: theBarASTNode start to: theBarASTNode stop'
>> end past the end of it (20 to 23 with source ending at 19).
>> If you regenerate the source, then you can parse it and you'll have
>> correct intervals.
> Marcus, do I have to redo everything back, or you can somehow remove that
> slice from newest version?
> Mark

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