Le 28/10/2014 12:12, Mark Rizun a écrit :
    Well, not really.

    Technically, tokens are used to drive a parser from a scanner.

    If an AST node knows how to relate itself to its original source
    code chunk and is able to print itself correctly, then tokens are

    In short, if you work with parsers, you'd better know what tokens
    are. If you're only working with the AST, tokens are redundant and
    noise (i.e. they often have a type (or more than one) which is only
    understood by the parser).

I'm working with ASTs sourceInterval. Trying to calculate it after
method replaceWith:.
You see, my proble was that each node of AST doesn't hold its start and
stop position in same place. So I thought that token is such a place,
however, eventually I understood that RBValueNodes don't have tokens:)

Do you mean you're trying to do a replace and update the positions of all the nodes ?


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