Thanks Stef and Damien,
I have this small script as a proof of concept:
| bibFile bibliography |
bibFile := ((FileLocator documents / 'U/Libertadores/Grafoscopio') children
detect: [:each | each basename endsWith: 'bib' ]) contents.
bibliography := CZBibParser parse: bibFile.
1 to: (bibliography size) do: [:index |
(((bibliography entries at: index) fields at: 2) key = 'shorttitle')
ifTrue: [
(bibliography entries at: index)
key: ((bibliography entries at: index) fields at: 2)
value ]].
Now I want to write back the corrected file to the .bib ... just having
problems finding which message does the job. I'll keep searching.
On 10/16/2014 06:40 AM, Damien Cassou wrote:
from Damien Pollet:
You will need to load the .bib file from zotero (read the file however
you like, then pass the stream to the CZ parser). You'll get a
CZBibSet (I don't recall the name exactly) which represents the
contents of the file. A Set is composed of entries, each of which has
a key and a set of fields. Finally, fields accept a few different
kinds of values.
Your processing is just iterating a set then setting the key of each
entry (or possibly removing and re-adding the entry, I don't recall if
it's implemented like a dictionary or more like a list).
On Mon, Oct 13, 2014 at 2:57 AM, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas
< <>> wrote:
I'm using a Zotero collection for keeping track of several references I
found for my article about the experience of the outline/tree-like metaphor
for writing inside Pharo (as soon as I have a presentable working draft I
hope to share it with you).
Now I want to make a post-processing of the bibtex file exported from
Zotero. The idea is to use "shorttitle" field instead to replace the Zotero
auto-generated one and have custom keys. So for example instead of:
title = {Holistic software assessment (Uni Zurich - 2011) on
shorttitle = {Girba-holistic-2011},
url = {
urldate = {2014-08-19},
note = {00000}
I would like to have:
title = {Holistic software assessment (Uni Zurich - 2011) on
shorttitle = {Girba-holistic-2011},
url = {
urldate = {2014-08-19},
note = {00000}
I have already installed Citizen and open it on the browser to see the
but I can find any place to start with examples.
Any advice on how to solve this issue will be appreciated.
Damien Cassou
"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another without losing
Winston Churchill