This is cool I blog about it.
Now pay attention class categories will not exist in the future.


On 16/9/14 18:03, Alexandre Bergel wrote:
Dear all,

We are happy to release Hapao2 for Pharo. Ricard Jacas and Alejandro Infante put quite some work on Spy2 (an über cool profiling framework for Pharo) and Hapao2. Hapao2 is about assessing the test coverage of your code and is a major revamp of Hapao1, which was presented a couple of years ago by Vanessa. Hapao2 does not only list covered and uncovered methods, as most test coverage tool on Earth will do. Hapao gives a great visualization to easily navigate in your code, assess its complexity, and give you a great visual output telling its coverage.

You need Roassal in your image:

Gofer new smalltalkhubUser: 'ObjectProfile'
    project: 'Roassal2';
    package: 'ConfigurationOfRoassal2';
(Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfRoassal2) load

and you need S2py:
location: '' <>
user: ''
password: ''

New entries will appear in the world menu:

You can run the test coverage on :
 - the class classes you have modified,
 - on a particular
 - on a particular class category
 - on the last class categories you have modified
 - on the last packages you have modified

Here is a portion of a large coverage:

A technical description of Hapao may be found on

We are daily using Hapao to help us understand our tests.

Ricardo, Alejandro & Alexandre
Alexandre Bergel <>

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