For infinitely zoomable interface, an old body of work and research on the possibilities is Pad++ [] .
Parcplace did some stuff too. Squeak seemed to have something at one point. Thierry 2014-09-16 15:09 GMT+02:00 Sean P. DeNigris <>: > On Sep 16, 2014, at 7:59 AM, "S Krish [via Smalltalk]" <[hidden email] > <http://user/SendEmail.jtp?type=node&node=4778347&i=0>> wrote: > > I am sure it will be lot more involved beyond a point to make everything > contained zoomable, text editor: text / image , other compositions , > layouts being honored properly.. > Yes I assume that text is where things would get complicated > > > I am not aware of Self zoom.. need to check on it. > Self doesn't zoom, but it scrolls infinitely. > Cheers, > Sean > > ------------------------------ > View this message in context: Re: Zoomable & Infinitely scrollable > PasteupMorph > <> > Sent from the Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list archive > <> at >