Nice job! And nice doc! Thank you.
Doru On Mon, Sep 15, 2014 at 11:18 PM, Torsten Bergmann <> wrote: > I just refer to my original announcement: "Need an EASY translation > framework for your Pharo application with NO EXTERNAL dependency?" > > That's it. Nothing fancy. Nothing more. Only a simple project. You can - > but must > not use it and I did not announce it as a GetText replacement. ;) > > With "I18N" there is no need to externally set up other tools, by default > no playing > with files. One can manage and version the translation with the code. It > is open to > the format and I do not have to reinstall external tools when I switch > between > computers. Start up Pharo and off I go. But this is specific to me and > maybe > different for others. > > If it gets complicated one can always switch to GetText or other > solutions. Look at the > webframeworks - we have Teapot, Aida, Seaside, ... so let the users decide > what > he wants to use. > > And GetText is not the only format. Look at Java - there you have messages > and > message property files or *.resx from .NET world. In I18N I can use them > as source as well > if I like and they are also not uncommon in translation (offices) and have > nice > tool support too. > > Hilaire wrote: > >For DrGeo this is a show stopper. > > As I said it depends on the needs and you may be right for Dr. Geo (or > other > Pharo based applications). > > From the discussion I think we can agree that it would be good to also > have good > Pharo support for GetText. And then lets talk about the IMHO currently > horrible > state of GetText and how to fix it: > > 1. Why is "GetText" not easily loadable from the config browser? If we > want people to find and use it we should make it accessible. > > 2. When you google for "Pharo" and "GetText" you will find > as the first match. > > The page is outdated, points to the old repository on SqueakSource > and even that > page does not include a hint that meanwhile the package moved to STHub. > > 3. Also the new hosting on the STHub page >!/~PharoExtras/Gettext > seems broken, it includes the following comment: > > "Migrated from PharoNonCorePackages. Should be adapted to Pharo2.0" > > Outdated comment or not usable in Pharo 3.0/4.0? > > 4. The last version there is Gettext-HilaireFernandes.33, that is the one > that is > also included in Dr. Geo. The code should be updated as > > a) it includes a reference to missing class "MethodReference" in > #appendVocabulary:domains: > b) the NaturalLanguageTranslator>>cleanUp method references a class > variable that is not there > > Any takers? > > 5. Writing a simple docu for I18N on STHub took me only a few minutes > using markdown and > (Pillar and PillarHub provide the same, but > STHub does not support it). > > So why not write a similar docu for GetText including code snippets > and all the knowledge that > seems to be there already from using it... > > Bye > T. > > > -- "Every thing has its own flow"