Hi Doru, Sven and community,
I have made a small experiment to get persistence on browsers by using
STON. I really like the readability of STON. At [1] you can see a screen
shoot of a moose browser tree and attached to this mail is equivalent
STON file.
[1] http://www.enlightenment.org/ss/e-53febbe8656192.95414052.jpg
I have some questions, nothing with code because they're kind of general
and not referred to any particular code written at the moment. Any way
if someone want to see the code and load the browser, here is what needs
to be done:
Gofer new
smalltalkhubUser: 'Offray' project: 'Ubakye';
package: 'Ubakye';
UbakyeBrowser open.
Here are the questions:
I would like to capture some events that happens in panels. For example,
suppose I write a text in the "Cuerpo | Body" panel and I would like to
get the body of my node updated with what has been wrote on the panel. I
have seen "Populate port action" example, but it works on selection and
I would like to update the tree anytime a body panel is wrote, without
any particular selection and also the "updateOn" message, but I don't
know if this is the proper message to use when the user is just writing
in a text panel of a moose browser. How can I updating on writing in a
text panel can be done?
Also, how can I create an emergent window (similar to the inspector
example that Doru gave to me) but just with the current name of the
header of the node, and also made that the node header updates on
clicking "Ok" button of that emergent Window?
The last question its related with Sven's STON: Suppose that I would
like to store light markup languages in STON which have the single quote
character (') on them, without creating any escape sequence, is this
possible on STON and if not, what is needed to be changed for that?
On 08/20/2014 03:08 AM, Tudor Girba wrote:
On Wed, Aug 20, 2014 at 5:38 AM, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas
<off...@riseup.net <mailto:off...@riseup.net>> wrote:
With the valuable help of the community and the GLMBasicExamples I have
able to build basic outlining interface and functionality. Here is a
There are some issues:
1. Now I would like to make the nodes in the tree persistent in the sense
that if I wrote something in the node body (left upper part of the browser)
and I select another node, when I visit the previous node, the text in the
body still is there. How can I do this?
I believe you refer to some sort of automatic saving. This is not possible at
the moment, but it would certainly cool to get added :(
2. I would like to make the current node always selected by this blue
highlighting. With some operations like moving nodes to the left or to the
right, the current node gets out of focus, despite of the operations being
done over it. There is any way to say Moose browsers where to put the
selections, besides of explicit selection with the mouse.
You can just set the #selection or the #selectionPath ports.
3. Some time ago I asked about how to make tree labels (headers), at the
left of the browsers editable. There is any way to make this?
No :(. But, again, it would be cool to get this support.
Thanks a lot,
www.tudorgirba.com <http://www.tudorgirba.com>
"Every thing has its own flow"
OrderedCollection [
UbakyeNode {
#header : 'Nodo 1',
#key : '',
#body : 'Texto 1',
#children : OrderedCollection [ ],
#parent : UbakyeNode {
#header : 'Arbol principal',
#key : '',
#body : '',
#children : @1
UbakyeNode {
#header : 'Nodo 2',
#key : '',
#body : 'Texto 2',
#children : OrderedCollection [
UbakyeNode {
#header : 'Nodo 3',
#key : '',
#body : 'Texto 3',
#parent : @5
#parent : @4
UbakyeNode {
#header : 'nuevoNodo',
#key : '',
#body : '',
#children : OrderedCollection [
UbakyeNode {
#header : 'nuevoNodo',
#key : '',
#body : '',
#children : OrderedCollection [ ],
#parent : @8
UbakyeNode {
#header : 'nuevoNodo',
#key : '',
#body : '',
#children : OrderedCollection [ ],
#parent : @8
UbakyeNode {
#header : 'nuevoNodo',
#key : '',
#body : '',
#children : OrderedCollection [
UbakyeNode {
#header : 'nuevoNodo',
#key : '',
#body : '',
#children : OrderedCollection [
#parent : @14
#parent : @8
#parent : @4