With the valuable help of the community and the GLMBasicExamples I have
been able to build basic outlining interface and functionality. Here is
a screenshot:
There are some issues:
1. Now I would like to make the nodes in the tree persistent in the
sense that if I wrote something in the node body (left upper part of the
browser) and I select another node, when I visit the previous node, the
text in the body still is there. How can I do this?
2. I would like to make the current node always selected by this blue
highlighting. With some operations like moving nodes to the left or to
the right, the current node gets out of focus, despite of the operations
being done over it. There is any way to say Moose browsers where to put
the selections, besides of explicit selection with the mouse.
3. Some time ago I asked about how to make tree labels (headers), at the
left of the browsers editable. There is any way to make this?
Thanks a lot,