
The project is not abandoned, it is still open to anyone.
I simply stopped because it was supposed to be a collaborative
effort....and there was not even a single contribution beside you and me.
But I'm available to work again if there are contributions to add.
best reagards

*Lic. Ignacio Sniechowski, MBA*

On Mon, Aug 25, 2014 at 4:19 PM, stepharo <> wrote:

> Ignaciostarted to write the ST99 problems in the pfte
> but he stopped after a couple of them.
> artifact/
> The problem with little problems is that sometimes you can write them in a
> single method so there not really exciting.
> Now if you want you can try to take the list and implement them. We will
> comment them and help you.
> Now if you do some little programs like the quinto game without ui, or
> agile kata
>     for example.
> Stef
> On 25/8/14 16:26, Ichiseki wrote:
>> I'm trying to find examples and problems, exercises to solve in Pharo but
>> it
>> seems that it is little in that department.
>> I come from Haskell, there we have 99 problems solved in Haskell and also,
>> Project Euler.
>> Also Python, Ruby ....and other have this.
>> Is there a place where I can find more food?
>> Thankyou
>> Ichiro
>> --
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>> Workbook-exercises-and-problems-tp4774634.html
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