Ignaciostarted to write the ST99 problems in the pfte
but he stopped after a couple of them.

The problem with little problems is that sometimes you can write them in a single method so there not really exciting. Now if you want you can try to take the list and implement them. We will comment them and help you.

Now if you do some little programs like the quinto game without ui, or agile kata

    for example.


On 25/8/14 16:26, Ichiseki wrote:
I'm trying to find examples and problems, exercises to solve in Pharo but it
seems that it is little in that department.
I come from Haskell, there we have 99 problems solved in Haskell and also,
Project Euler.
Also Python, Ruby ....and other have this.
Is there a place where I can find more food?


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