
is there any support for orthogonal lines in Roassal2? I've seen something
similar (ROOrthoVerticalLineShape), however nothing of that sort in
Roassal2. I would imagine it to behave similarly to RTBezierLine - having
controllingElements to specify the corners. (While ROOrtholines did it
automatically I was looking for something more manual, so it can go in both
directions - thus the controllingElements).

Second thing I wasn't able to figure out is whether it is possible to
create line from element to itself. All *AttachPoint classes aren't really
able to cope with that. The best result I got was from Vertical/Horizontal
AttachPoints (combined with BezierLine), however I would like to be able to
specify which side it would start on and end on. Ideally not just middle of
sides, but arbitrary part of the shape (I imagine that might be hard for
non-rectangular shapes).


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