Hi guys

I do not have the answer but I know that I want to slowly make sure that all the widgets manages better the fonts and not blindly refer to


2014-06-26 23:13 GMT+02:00 Pablo R. Digonzelli <pdigonze...@gmail.com <mailto:pdigonze...@gmail.com>>:

    Hi all, two questions about Spec.

    1) How can i change the font for a ListModel or TextModel?

    2)  I try , but nothing happend . I does not work but there is no
    error also

    l := ListModel new.
    l backgroundColorBlock: [ Color red ].
    l openWithSpec .

    Can I change de backcolor of ListModel ?

    Sorry for my english.


    *Ing. Pablo Digonzelli*
    Software Solutions
    IP-Solutiones SRL
    Metrotec SRL
    25 de Mayo 521
    Email: pdigonze...@softsargentina.com
    pdigonze...@gmail.com <mailto:pdigonze...@gmail.com>
    Cel: 5493815982714

About the font: I don't know if this is possible.

For the background color:

This works only for the background of the list cells. If there is no entry
in your listmodel list, the list view is empty as well and there is nothing
to show.

This works:

ListModel new
    items: (1 to: 10);
    backgroundColorBlock: [ :item :index |Color red ];

or with more colors :)

ListModel new
    items: Color registeredColorNames ;
    backgroundColorBlock: [ :item :index | Color named:item];

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