Hi, I have looked at the TreeModel class and it's not exactly that i seek. The idea is rather something like that :
MyListModel>>initializeWidgets title := self newLabel. manager := self newListManager. manager model:#MyDummyItemModel MyListModel class>>defaultSpec ^SpecLayout composed newColumn:[:mainCol| mainCol add: #title; add: #manager ]; yourself MyDummyItemModel>>initializeWidgets image := self newImage. address := self newLabel. zipCode := self newLabel. city := self newLabel. editBtn := self newButton. delBtn := self newButton. MyDummyItemModel class>>defaultSpec: ^SpecLayout composed newRow:[:mainRow| mainRow add: #image; newColumn:[:addrCol| addrCol add: #address; add: #zipCode; add: #city ]; newColumn:[:btnCol| btnCol add: #editBtn; add: #delBtn ]; ]; yourself mlm := MyListModel new. mlm openWithSpec. mlm title value: 'I am a list'. mlm manager items: aCollectionOfDummyObjects it seem there isn't such implementation in Spec. What would be the best way to implement it (if it's possible)? a mix between ListModel and TabManager ? Regards, Glenn ----- Glenn Cavarlé -- View this message in context: http://forum.world.st/Spec-question-tp4741608p4741681.html Sent from the Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.