Hi Pablo,
I guess the best way to get recent info on Glorp is to see if there is
an updated piece of documentation shipping with the latest version of
VisualWorks from Cincom.
We do use Glorp for our accounting service for German businesses
(www.kontolino.de). We're running on VA Smalltalk under Linux and are
using DB2. We've had a few issues in the past that were either related
to the VA ST port of Glorp and could be fixed by us or together with
INstantiations, or, if they were bugs in base Glorp, were fixed by Niall
and integrated into newer versions. So far I must say I am happy with
Glorp. It does its job nicely and reliably, and once you accept the
implications of O/R mapping (aka Impedance mismatch), you can do a lot
with it.
We also use Glorp for projects that I can not publicly talk about.
There is a Glorp-related discussion Group on Google Groups:
Objektfabrik Joachim Tuchel mailto:jtuc...@objektfabrik.de
Fliederweg 1 http://www.objektfabrik.de
D-71640 Ludwigsburg http://joachimtuchel.wordpress.com
Telefon: +49 7141 56 10 86 0 Fax: +49 7141 56 10 86 1