On Wed, May 14, 2014 at 10:05 PM, stepharo <steph...@free.fr> wrote:

> On 14/5/14 14:25, PBK Research wrote:
>> Stephan
>> Thanks for the comment. I understand the point about development and
>> things
>> not always being in step. But if you look at it from my point of view, I
>> am
>> an elderly retired statistician who does programming for fun,
> you interest me :)
> I would love to get a nice statistic library for Pharo and to improve the
> SciTalk
> math library.

Check DHB.

>    I am not an
>> expert in development and I am pretty new to Pharo. It all looks a maze of
>> new terminology to me - I don't understand the difference between
>> Monticello
>> and Metacello, for instance. I am sure to an expert your explanation of
>> how
>> to check the correct version of Magritte3 is quite straightforward, but I
>> would never have found my way to that conclusion myself. As I pointed out
>> to
>> Esteban, I used the configuration browser on 5 May to get the stable
>> version
>> of Magritte3. If that was already out of date, I am pretty well lost.
>> Still, I am making progress with my original aim of learning about
>> Magritte,
>> and there are many helpful people on this group, so you can just regard
>> this
>> as me blowing off steam after things had not gone completely easily.
>> Peter Kenny
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Pharo-users [mailto:pharo-users-boun...@lists.pharo.org] On Behalf
>> Of
>> Stephan Eggermont
>> Sent: 14 May 2014 12:58
>> To: pharo-users@lists.pharo.org
>> Subject: Re: [Pharo-users] Problem learning about Magritte
>> Peter wrote:
>>> Thanks. I have Magritte-Morph in my image, but I wonder if anyone has
>>> debugged it. I send asMagritteMorph to a Magritte description and I get a
>>> MAContainerMorph, which is OK. Try sending openInWorld to this, and it
>> falls
>>> over in MADescriptionMorph>>buildMorph, which calls
>>> MADescriptionMorph>>rectangleMorph, which tries to create an instance of
>> the
>>> non-existent class RectangleMorph.
>> Hmm, that looks like you have an old version of Magritte-Morph loaded.
>> If you open the Monticello browser, you can select the Magritte-Morph
>> package and then open its repository to see if there is a newer version.
>> If you select a newer version and click Changes, you can see if this
>> newer version is likely to solve your problem (it is).
>> If you take a look at the ConfigurationOfMagritte3, you can see what
>> goes wrong. version32 is the first one referring to a Magritte-Morph
>> newer than version 70. stable: installs version311 however. So
>> ConfigurationOfMagritte3 needs a new stable version. (Done)
>>  I have tried to trace this back, and it is true that my original Pharo
>>> 3.0
>>> image, downloaded on 30 Apr 2014, does not have the class
>>> RectangleMorph. I
>>> have looked at older images, and the class exists. Maybe my mistake was
>>> to
>>> try to use the Pharo 3.0 image the day it was announced. Perhaps I would
>>> be
>>> better off using one of the pre-packed images you mention.
>> Pharo 3 has lots of improvements and clean-ups. RectangleMorph behavior
>> was folded back into BorderedMorph. The projects running on top of Pharo
>> have different ideas of what should be stable and what development
>> versions. The people developing them mostly use development releases
>> or specific versions. If there are not a lot of non-developing users the
>> stable version
>> tends to lag behind. And if the specific problem is not in the tests, CI
>> will not
>> break.
>> Just before the release, there are lots of fixes and the image changes
>> fast.
>> Not all projects will be able to synchronize fast, and have sufficient
>> trust
>> to declare a new version stable. So just after a release, you might have
>> to
>> use
>> a lot of development versions, check repositories and ask questions on
>> the mailing lists. Please do, that is the only way we can improve.
>>  My only worry is that there is a list of dozens of contributions on
>>> https://ci.inria.fr/pharo-contribution/, and unless you have far more
>>> knowledge than I have it is impossible to know which might be helpful.
>>> For
>>> now I will follow your hint and use the Forum image.
>> That's a helpful comment. Thank you. We should improve the project
>> descriptions (at least I should for mine).
>> Stephan

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