Stephan Thanks. I have Magritte-Morph in my image, but I wonder if anyone has debugged it. I send asMagritteMorph to a Magritte description and I get a MAContainerMorph, which is OK. Try sending openInWorld to this, and it falls over in MADescriptionMorph>>buildMorph, which calls MADescriptionMorph>>rectangleMorph, which tries to create an instance of the non-existent class RectangleMorph.
I have tried to trace this back, and it is true that my original Pharo 3.0 image, downloaded on 30 Apr 2014, does not have the class RectangleMorph. I have looked at older images, and the class exists. Maybe my mistake was to try to use the Pharo 3.0 image the day it was announced. Perhaps I would be better off using one of the pre-packed images you mention. My only worry is that there is a list of dozens of contributions on, and unless you have far more knowledge than I have it is impossible to know which might be helpful. For now I will follow your hint and use the Forum image. Thanks again for your help. Peter Kenny -----Original Message----- From: Pharo-users [] On Behalf Of Stephan Eggermont Sent: 14 May 2014 00:25 To: Subject: Re: [Pharo-users] Problem learning about Magritte Peter wrote: >is there a method #asMorph which will give the >morphic version as easily, or if not how do I get an editor as a Pharo >window? There is asMagritteMorph yes, defined in Magritte-Morph. You might need to load that additionally (it is loaded in the Forum image). Stephan